@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0588, TITLE={Assessment of Beauty with subjectivity: a challenge for computational aesthetics}, AUTHOR={Henri MaƮtre, }, JOURNAL={Art and Science}, VOLUME={4}, NUMBER={Issue 4}, YEAR={2020}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Assessment-of-Beauty-with-subjectivity-a-challenge-for-computational-aesthetics}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0588}, ISSN={2515-8767}, ABSTRACT={Artificial Intelligence based photography beauty assessment have received a great attention in the last 25 years. They may now claim noticeable performances in replacing the human observer. However, they face limitations which are rooted in the basic choices of the machine learning stage, borrowed from the old Platonism, i.e. the poor place let to a specific observer in the assessment value. Several tracks are explored to short-cut these limitations, based on very different approaches. This paper is presenting an overview of these proposals to re-introduce subjectivity in computational aesthetic assessment and to discuss their foundations.}}