@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0345, TITLE={Technological and Organizational Innovations in Industrial and Territorial Ecology Projects}, AUTHOR={Chedrak De Rocher Chembessi, Christophe Beaurain, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={4}, NUMBER={L’économie circulaire : innovations avenir
}, YEAR={2019}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Technological-and-Organizational-Innovations-in-Industrial-and-Territorial}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0345}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={The emergence of new economic models which must respond to ecological transition issues has triggered eco-innovation processes. Industrial and territorial ecology is at the heart of these new economic models. It is characterized by its systemic approach and based on organizational, technological and social innovations. Its implementation must aim to reduce consumption of natural resources and design a new territorial development through various forms of competitiveness and attractiveness. Therefore, this article identifies industrial ecology as an innovation process with multi-scalar approaches: from the perspective of both firms and the network of firms and territories. The analysis is based on data from industrial synergies implemented in the city of Dunkirk and the harbor of La Rochelle in France.}}